Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities
COVID-19 Update and Response
Revised January 19, 2021
The West Gray Metropolitan Multi-Service Center (MMSC) team, including the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) and the Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD), have been closely monitoring community developments regarding the operations of the MMSC during this public health emergency. To decrease the community spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the following measures are in place effective March 18, 2020:
- As of 7:00 PM Wednesday March 18, 2020, the West Gray Metropolitan Multi-Service Center will be closed to the public until further notice
- All HPARD and MOPD led events and activities at the MMSC will be cancelled through Thursday, April 30, 2020
- Houstonians with disabilities can still contact MOPD staff for referrals and constituent services by calling 832-394-0814 or by emailing mopdmail@houstontx.gov Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Changes to these procedures will be communicated through our social media channels and on our website. Houstonians should visit https://www.houstonhealth.org/services/disease-prevention/covid-19 for updated information about local risk, routine protective actions, frequently asked questions, communication resources, rumor control, emergency preparedness tips, and more.
MOPD Food Assistance Program
The MOPD is currently in the planning process of an updated Mobile Food Assistance Program and we need your help to get the information needed to create an effective solution. We are including links to the survey in both English and Spanish. Please fill out the survey in your most comfortable language.
Please only fill out ONE survey per household.
*Past participants please fill out the below survey*
- English Survey: https://forms.gle/P2rmoNkY8Bx5Ud598
- Spanish Survey: https://forms.gle/ZQUKkH382eXoFNYk6
Community based testing Sites
The Houston Health Department updates its testing sites list weekly. For the most up-to-date information please visit https://www.houstonhealth.org/services/disease-prevention/covid-19/testing.
- For the most up to date information on the City of Houston's Covid vaccination process please visit: https://www.houstonhealth.org/services/disease-prevention/covid-19/vaccines
- People will receive a unique identification code and instructions on where to go. People who show up without a code will not be tested.
- After completing the pre-screening process, Houstonians with disabilities who can’t access drive-through testing sites because of a disability must contact the mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities at 832-394-0814 or mopdmail@houstontx.gov.
- More testing information is available on the Houston Emergency site.
Free VRI Services at COVID-19 Testing Sites
Linguabee’s instructions for Deaf/Hard of Hearing users prior to arrival at testing site:
1. Contact Care Team
Contact the Care Team using Live Chat, email, text or call 855-585-5859 and request VRI services when you need to be tested for COVID-19.
Include the following information when you reach out to us:
- Your full name
- When you plan to get tested
- Address of the testing site you plan to visit
2. Download App
Download the Whereby app for your mobile phone or tablet. If you are using a desktop, you will need the latest version of Chrome.
3. Test video connection
The Linguabee care team will be in touch with you and test the video connection to make sure everything is working. This will ensure you are all set for a stress-free experience at the testing site.
Food Security
- People with disabilities 60-years-of-age or older may qualify for food security assistance from the Harris County Area Agency on Aging. Please call 832-393-4301 for more information.
- Individuals with disabilities may qualify for food security assistance through the Coalition for Barrier Free Living/The Houston Center for Independent Living food pantry. In addition, rental and utility assistance may be available for individuals with disabilities that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please call HCIL for more information at 713-974-4621, video phone 346-231-0641.
- The Houston Food Bank Help Line can be reached by calling 832-369-9390. More Houston Food Bank resources are available at www.houstonfoodbank.org/covid19.
- HPARD Curbside Meal Distribution
- For Students ages 1 to 18
- HISD and Houston Food Bank curbside pickup service
- Gallery Furniture care packages for senior citizens and people with disabilities request form
- CrowdSource Rescue, in partnership with the Houston Food Bank, is currently organizing volunteers to help do no-contact food deliveries for vulnerable populations
- Grocery Stores Hosting Shopping Hours for Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities
Additional Resources