Cultural Affairs Office
Traffic Signal Control Cabinet (TSCC) Murals
The Traffic Signal Control Cabinet (TSCC) Art Program is an initiative to bring public art to more neighborhoods in the City of Houston. The program is overseen by the City of Houston Department of Public Works (HPW) and the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs (MOCA).
To view the hundreds of murals in Houston, visit minimurals.org/cities-sites/houston.
Scroll to the right along the thumbnails below to see all the photos in the gallery.
What are TSCC Murals?
TSCC Murals are painted boxes located on signalized intersections in Houston.
How did the TSCC Murals come about?
The TSCC Mural Program started as a pilot program created by Houston Public Works and UP Art Studio. “TSCC” stands for Traffic Signal Control Cabinet and refers to the electrical boxes found near pedestrian walkways at many city street intersections. The TSCC Mural Program was developed as a cost-effective strategy to curb graffiti, deliver art to neighborhoods, and as an entry point for artists wishing to work in Civic Art.
When did the TSCC Murals start?
The first TSCC Mural was installed at the intersection of Spring and Sawyer on April 15, 2015, and was sponsored by Arts District Houston, quickly followed by several TSCC murals installed throughout District K sponsored by former City Council Member Larry Green.
What are “Mini Murals”?
“Mini Murals” are TSCC murals completed through UP Art Studio, the City’s preferred contractor for managing TSCC mural projects.
How are the TSCC Murals funded?
TSCC murals are funded by sponsors. Sponsors have included Houston City Council Member offices, TIRZs, management districts, individuals, nonprofit organizations, and businesses.
Who manages the work when a TSCC mural is sponsored by the City of Houston (City Council Member office or City Department)?
The City of Houston has a service contract with UP Art Studio. The Latino-owned studio is a founding member of this program with proven experience and an extensive registry of Houston-based artists and mural design themes.
I have a sponsor for a TSCC mural, what is the next step?
Once you have a sponsor, identify preferred mural location(s) in order to complete the Inquiry Form.
How many TSCC locations can I Sponsor?
There is no limit to the number of TSCC murals you can Sponsor.
Are all TSCC available for murals?
No. There are several reasons a TSCC may not be available – school zone, upcoming construction, not owned by the City of Houston, etc. This Houston Transtar map includes all city-owned cabinets. Completing the Inquiry Form will provide you with a specific answer.
What are the steps to completing a TSCC mural in my neighborhood?
Fund or secure a funding commitment from a sponsor and submit the TSCC Mural Inquiry Form. If the TSCC location is available for a mural, MOCA will notify you.
Once location is confirmed, complete the TSCC Mural Agreement that MOCA will send via email. The Agreement will require proof of professional liability insurance of $1,000,000 per occurrence. This is the perfect time for community engagement and finalizing the Houston-based artist for the project.
Submit renderings of the proposed mural(s) design through the Artwork Submission Form. MOCA and Houston Public Works (HPW) will respond within 7 business days of submission. If the artwork is approved, you or your project manager will plan and coordinate mural installation. Before the mural is executed on a TSCC, the manager of the project will give notice to MOCA and the Houston Police Department (HPD) of the installation schedules and plans for work on City right-of-way and artists must wear a safety vest while painting.
Upon completion of a new TSCC mural, you or your project manager will complete the TSCC Mural Close-Out Form.
How long can a TSCC Mural take to complete?
The administrative process for TSCC Murals could take 6 to 8 weeks from the time the Inquiry Form has been submitted, so plan accordingly. Once renderings are approved by MOCA, the Sponsor of the mural determines the timeline for completion.
What are not allowed on TSCC Mural designs?
Designs must be family-friendly and if a portrait or neighborhood name is used community engagement is no longer recommended but required. TSCC murals cannot be of living individuals or include websites, logos, ads, or social media handles.
What do past and completed TSCC Murals look like?
To see examples, visit www.minimurals.org. Photographs you provide in the TSCC Mural Close Out Form will be added to this website.
How can I find out if my neighborhood qualifies for the TSCC Mural Program?
Currently, every neighborhood in the City of Houston is eligible for the program. To find out if your neighborhood is in the City of Houston: https://www.houstontx.gov/council/whoismycm.html.
Is the TSCC Murals graffiti?
No. The TSCC murals are a sanctioned, legal activity. Graffiti generally refers to unsanctioned, illegal activity.
How can I find out more about effective solutions to curb graffiti in my neighborhood?
For more information about effective solutions to curb graffiti please see the below link. The website below discusses vandalism and graffiti and highlights how mural programs work as a cost-effective and proactive graffiti abatement tool. View the www.houstontx.gov/graffiti website.
Who manages the TSCC Mural program?
The TSCC Mural program is a collaborative public art program that operates through the work of mural sponsors, artists, project managers, and various City departments like Houston Public Works and, Houston Police Department. The Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs is the point of contact for the program and coordinates with all partners.
I have other questions regarding the TSCC Murals.
Contact the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs (MOCA) via email Cultural.Affairs@houstontx.gov with “TSCC MURAL(S)” in the subject line.