Municipal Courts
Jury Service: What to Expect
The City of Houston Municipal Courts does not contact jurors by phone or text message regarding jury service. If you have received a call or text message regarding any type of monetary penalty or threat of arrest regarding jury service, please hang up immediately and report the call to the Houston Police Department non-emergency phone number at (713) 884-3131, and the Jury Hotline at (713) 247-8777.
What to Expect
- Jurors are requested to report to the Jury Assembly Room at the location and time specified on their official jury summons.
- If you have misplaced your summons form, you may print a blank form that is provided on this webpage, fill it out, and bring it with you on the day of your jury service. Blank forms are also available on the day of your jury service. Please request a blank form from the Jury Administrator on the day of your service. Please fill out the required information on summons form in a complete manner, including the questionnaire, and notify the Jury Administrator if your address has changed.
- Jury service at the City of Houston is typically one day only. Please expect to spend a full day at jury service.
- Jurors are encouraged to bring lunch on the day of jury service. Please note that glass containers are not allowed at any court location.
- Drink and snack vending machines are available.
- Electronic devices, including laptops, tablets, cellular telephones and reading materials may be used in the Jury Assembly Room and designated break areas. However, all electronic devices must be powered off while in a courtroom. Please review the Court’s Standing Order by clicking on the link below:
- Taking pictures or video with your cellular device is strictly prohibited during your service.
- Wi-Fi and cable television are available at both jury service locations.
- Jurors may also bring reading material on the date of their service. Reading is permitted in the Jury Assembly Room; however, reading is not permitted in the courtrooms.
- Jurors will be compensated $6 per day of service. The juror fee payment will be paid to the juror via a check that will be mailed to the address shown on the summons. Jurors must verify their mailing address shown on the summons form and make the Jury Administrator aware of any changes. Changes should be marked on the summons form prior to submitting to the Jury Administrator.
- Jurors will receive a Certificate of Service upon completion of their jury service. If an employer requests more detailed information, please request this from the Jury Administrator.
- Free parking is provided to all jurors who serve at the City of Houston Municipal Courts. The free parking is offered at the City of Houston Lot “H.” Please see more detailed information below regarding juror parking by location.
- Jurors ride free on METRO. Please show your summons form to the bus driver. A return trip coupon will be provided by the Jury Administrator upon request. For route and other information visit METRO’s website: https://www.ridemetro.org or call (713) 635-4000.
- If you require a special accommodation, please call (713) 247-8777 or (713) 247-5464 prior to your scheduled appearance date.
The City of Houston Municipal Courts Department recognizes that every person who attends a municipal court proceeding in person is entitled to a safe and secure environment. With security and safety as key objectives, please review the information provided below and comply with all directives.
All visitors to a City of Houston Municipal Court facility will be required to undergo security screening upon entry, including metal detectors and x-ray machines. If warranted, you may also be subject to search by a hand-held device or pat-down. Personal items will be screened by x-ray, and are subject to additional search. These security measures are in place to ensure the safety of all persons who enter a Municipal Court facility. To streamline the security screening process, you will be required to remove the following items and place them in a screening basket prior to walking through the metal detectors:
- Belts
- Coats/Jackets
- Keys
- Coins
- Cellular Devices
- Cigarette Packs and Lighters
- Watches
- Bracelets
- Large Earrings
- Footwear
- Foil Wrapped Items
- License Plates
- Glass Containers
We recommend keeping track of all personal items as they pass through security. The City of Houston is not responsible for lost, unclaimed or stolen items.
The following items are PROHIBITED in all City of Houston Municipal Court facilities and should be left at home or in your vehicle:
- Firearms
- Knives (all types)
- Razor Blades
- Box Cutters
- Self Defense Spray
- Knitting Needles
- Tools
- Bleach
- Gasoline
- Acid
- Explosives
- Scissors
- Metal Nail Files
Pursuant to Penal Code Section 46.03(a)(3), all firearms, including handguns carried by a person with a valid license to carry, are prohibited at all of our court locations.
Texas Penal Code 30.06:
"Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun."
Código Penal de Texas 30.06:
"De conformidad con el Artículo 30.06 del Código Penal de Texas (sobre el ingreso ilícito de un individuo con licencia de portación de armas cortas ocultas) una persona con licencia, según lo establecido en la Sección H, Capítulo 411 del Código Gubernamental de Texas (sobre la ley de expedición de licencia de armas cortas), tiene prohibido ingresar en esta propiedad con armas cortas ocultas."
Texas Penal Code 30.07:
"Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a handgun that is carried openly."
Código Penal de Texas 30.07:
"De conformidad con el Artículo 30.07 del Código Penal de Texas (sobre el ingreso ilícito de un individuo con licencia de portación de armas cortas exhibidas públicamente) una persona con licencia, según lo establecido en la Sección H, Capítulo 411, del Código Gubernamental de Texas (sobre la ley de expedición de licencia de armas cortas), tiene prohibido ingresar en esta propiedad con armas cortas exhibidas públicamente."
Jurors serving at the City of Houston Municipal Courts are offered free parking at each court location.
For jurors serving at the Lubbock location, free parking is offered at the City of Houston LOT H only. If you elect to park at a different location, you will be responsible for paying the posted daily rate. Please follow all instructions at any of the surrounding privately-owned parking facilities, as towing is strictly enforced. The City of Houston is not responsible for any towing charges that may occur.
There are a limited number of accessible parking spaces at no charge near the access ramp on the side of the 1400 Lubbock courthouse. Accessible parking is also available at the posted daily rate in the lot directly in front of the courthouse (limited parking during peak morning hours from 8am-10am). Please display a valid placard/license plate.
Driving directions to the free Lubbock Jury Parking (LOT H) located at 1643 Memorial Drive adjacent to the City’s Fonde Recreation Center, and to the Westside Court location at 3203 South Dairy Ashford are as follows:
If you would like to reschedule your jury service, please use one of the following methods:
- By Telephone: Call the automated rescheduling line (English/Spanish): (713) 333-7080. If you experience technical issues with the automated rescheduling line, you may call the Court’s Juror Helpline at 713.247.8777 (M-F, 8am-5pm).
- Online: Reschedule online by accessing the Court’s website: https://esp1.espview.com/chmc. You will need to provide your JUROR /PIN, which is located on the summons form
If you are hearing impaired and require assistance in communicating with the City of Houston Municipal Courts, please utilize the State of Texas Relay Service. Please note the contact information below regarding the Texas Relay Service.
The Texas Relay service is free of charge and the operator functions as an interpreter during your phone conversation. Everything you say will be voiced/typed to the caller and everything the caller says will be typed/voiced to you.
- Voice to TTY/VCO/HCO/STS: 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-2988
- Voice to CapTel: 1-877-243-2823
- Spanish-to-Spanish: 7-1-1 or 1-800-662-4954
- Spanish-to-English: 7-1-1 or 1-888-777-5861
- TTY to Voice: 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-2989
- ASCII to Voice: 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-2991
- Spanish-to-Spanish: 7-1-1 or 1-800-662-4954
- Spanish-to-English: 7-1-1 or 1-888-777-5861
Disqualifications and exemptions are listed on the back of you jury summons form. You do not have to appear in person to claim a Disqualification or Exemption. Please see the information below:
ONLINE EXEMPTION/DISQUALIFICATION: Using the JUROR/PIN located on the front of your summons form, access the following website: https://esp1.espview.com/chmc.
MAIL YOUR EXEMPTION/DISQUALIFICATION: Check the disqualification/exemption on the back of the jury summons form, sign the form, and mail completed form to:
City of Houston Municipal Courts: Jury Service
1400 Lubbock, Room 214
Houston, Texas 77002
Proper attire is required in the courtrooms. The following accessories and items of clothing are not permitted at the City of Houston Municipal Courts:
- Shorts (all types)
- Hats (all types, excluding religious headwear)
- Muscle Shirts and Tank Tops
- Any item of clothing that displays offensive, vulgar, racist, sexist, gang-related, obscene language and/or graphics.
The following rules are strictly enforced:
- Taking pictures or video with your cellular device is strictly prohibited.
- Reading is not permitted in the courtrooms.
- Cell phones must be on silent mode while in the courtroom.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Director and Presiding Judge by email at presidingjudge@houstontx.gov.