The Controller ...

The City Controller serves as the City's chief financial officer. The Office of the City Controller certifies the availability of funds prior to City Council approval of City commitments, processes and monitors disbursements exceeding one billion dollars annually, invests the City's funds, conducts internal audits of the City's departments and federal grant programs, operates and maintains its financial management system, conducts the sale of public improvement and revenue bonds and produces an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR).

Buffalo Bauffalo Bayou, West of Downtown

Controller's Office Divisions, Services and Information

Audit Graphic

Audit Division

The Mission Statement of the Audit Division (AD) is to perform the Internal Audit (IA) function for the Office of the City Controller (CC) of the City of Houston, Texas. This includes provision of independent, objective assurance, attestation, and consulting services designed to add value and improve the City’s operations.

City Hall

Treasury Division

The Treasury Division is responsible for managing the City’s investment portfolio in accordance with state law and the City’s investment policy. Fitch Ratings as awarded the City’s general investment portfolio its highest rating, AAA. The Treasury Division is also responsible for overseeing ...

Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

The Controller’s Office is committed to eliminating fraud, waste, and abuse to improve accountability in the use of government resources. We provide a process for City of Houston employees, contractors, and members of the Houston community to report improper or illegal activities directly related to City of Houston government resources.

Vendor Liaison

Vendor Liaison

While the City of Houston Controller’s Office encourages you to save paper and get paid more efficiently, this direct deposit program does not apply to individuals receiving one-time payments such as water deposit or municipal courts refunds.

Firefighter Pay Graphs

Firefighter Pay

Click button below to learn more about Houston firefighter pay from FY2017-2024 and what the cost would have been to the City in a number of different pay raise scenarios.

Annual Report Cover Page

Annual Financial Reports

The compilation and release of the City’s Popular Annual Financial Report (“PAFR”) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, is designed to provide readers with a clear, concise, and visually engaging overview of the City’s finances and financial health.