POLICE Department
Volunteer Initiatives Program
Police and Clergy Alliance (PACA)
Although a primary focus and mission of the Houston Police Department is to prevent crime, enforce the law, and preserve the peace, we clearly recognize the importance and critical role the faith-based organizations and clergy have as leaders in the community and specifically among the families and individual citizens of our city.
Accordingly, the Houston Police Department's Clergy Liaison Unit (CLU) will actively communicate with department personnel and the community at large to effectively disseminate information related to PACA, and will continuously work to improve the response to significant events in which this partnership is utilized.
PACA is comprised of members of a diverse group of volunteer clergy and lay people who represent an array of various faiths willing to abide by all City Ordinances and HPD policies.
PACA provides an effective approach to foster relations with the citizens of Houston by building trust and gaining community respect to address law enforcement and other significant issues.
To restructure and rejuvenate the relationship between HPD and all Faith-Based Organizations seeking to work alongside departmental personnel.
PACA volunteers will be exposed to the functionality of various divisions within the police department and will be taught techniques which will allow them to effectively communicate with officers and citizens in crisis situations. The goal of training is to provide PACA volunteers with a better understanding of the day to day duties of police officers.
- PACA Academy – all members must attend 16 hours of training between 8 am and 5 pm (8 hours during the week and 8 hours on the Saturday following the weekday training). Topics included in the training: Internal Affairs, Media Relations, Police Chaplain services, SWAT/HNT and high risk incident management, Police Chaplain services, and use of force, etc.
- PACA Quarterly In-service - all members are required to attend at least 8 hours of in-service training during the calendar.
- PACA Optional volunteer services – all members are required to volunteer a minimum of 4 hours per quarter within a volunteer services such as Call-outs (includes catastrophic events and/or natural disasters), HPD Public Affairs – CLU office assistant, Mentoring (Boys & Girls Club and/or Big Brothers Big Sisters , Project Safe Start, Ride-alongs, Teen Court Advocate etc.
Clothing should always be appropriate for the occasion.
All approved members will be provided a photo ID which identifies them as a clergy member approved to work in partnership with HPD. The ability to obtain an ID from HPD signifying an individual as a member of PACA is a Privilege and not a right.
- Only PACA ID badges will be authorized to be worn at PACA sponsored events or initiatives and will be the only official volunteer clergy ID recognized by the Houston Police Department.
- ID's will be renewed during the PACA member's birth month every other year.
A Governing board will be elected by the PACA membership.
- Chaplaincy – The Chaplaincy committee will focus on recruitment of other faith based members/groups and for the development of faith related employee and citizen intervention programs (e.g. prayer requests)
- Outreach – The Outreach committee will coordinate PACA's involvement in local programs/events that positively affect the citizens of Houston.
- Education & Training – The Education & Training committee will develop the PACA Academy training curriculum and Quarterly training curriculum for new and existing members and be responsible for continuously seeking subject matter experts for training opportunities that will benefit the organization.
You may view / download and print the complete PACA Policy and Procedure Guidelines.
To become an HPD PACA Volunteer, you must click on the link and complete a Police PACA Application and attached forms:
- Print the PACA Application form. Once the form is filled out it can be submitted by emailing the completed form to PACA@HoustonPolice.Org.
- Please provide a copy of your current driver license when submitting the form.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Julio Villarreal Officer
Cell 346-435-2145
Office 713-308-1280
PACA Coordinator
PSO Eddee Hestand