POLICE Department
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Applications Being Accepted For Citizens' Police Academy
Have you ever wondered what kind of training a police officer must undergo to do his or her job? Do you think you could do it just as well, or better? Now is your chance to find out. The Houston Citizens' Police Academy, HCPA, is currently accepting applications.
The Houston Citizens’ Police Academy (CPA) was organized in 1989 and offers citizens the opportunity to learn about the internal operations of the Houston Police Department. The Citizens’ Police Academy speakers, (mostly Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice experts in their fields), provide lectures, demonstrations, tours, and hands-on activities for Academy participants.
The overall objective of the Academy is to provide citizens with sound and accurate information about HPD and the criminal justice process so citizens are able to make informed decisions regarding issues / matters involving the police department and/or police activity. Participants will be able to share their experiences and learned information with family, friends, co-workers, and their community to further improve and strengthen community-police relations.
Each week, a different discipline or area of HPD is presented such as: Houston Emergency Center (police dispatch), Pursuit Driving, SWAT Detail, Shoot-Don’t Shoot training exercises, Firearms Training, Mounted Patrol Division, and Helicopter Division.
Citizens also participate in the department’s Ride-Along program, which allows citizens the opportunity to ride in a police car with a patrol officer.
- Dates: The Citizens’ Police Academy is usually held twice a year and involves a 33-hour block of instruction, consisting of a three and 1/2 hour class, every week for 10 weeks. The times of the class are usually 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
- Fall Session: (September through November) Begin accepting applications July 1st, 2024
- Tuesday Class: Tuesday September 10 - November 12, 2024
- Graduation will be: November 14, 2024
- Spring Session: Spring session (March through May) TBD
- Location: Houston Police Department Academy, 17000 Aldine Westfield 77073 (some sessions are held at various HPD locations such as Hobby Airport)
You are disqualified from joining the Citizens’ Police Academy if any of the following apply. The following are also grounds for dismissal from the program once you are approved.
- Criminal Offenses:
- Three (3) or more traffic violations during the last eighteen (18) months.
- Felony or Class A Misdemeanor conviction (includes Felony or Class A Misdemeanor Deferred Adjudication convictions).
- Class B Misdemeanor in the past ten (10) years (includes Deferred Adjudication convictions).
- Family Violence offense conviction.
- Indictment for any criminal offense (approval or reinstatement is based on disposition of court case).
- Not living in the United States legally.
- Under 18 years of age.
- Had / have a pattern of abusing prescription drugs.
- Dishonorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces.
- Physical / mental disability that would substantially impair an individual’s ability to perform their duties.
- Unlawful sexual conduct prior to and/or during volunteer term.
- Inappropriate behavior relating to sexual harassment or racial slurs.
- Committed an act or behavior tending to bring reproach and/or discredit to themselves and/or the Houston Police Department.
- Used, tried, or sold any dangerous drugs or narcotics including cocaine, crack heroin, LSD.
To apply for the Citizens' Police Academy, you must click on the link and complete a Citizens' Police Academy Application and attached forms:
- the Citizens' Police Academy Application is a fillable form (In order to properly fill out, save and submit the PDF form you must use Adobe Reader or Acrobat 8.0 or greater. You can download the latest Adobe Reader here.) Once the form is filled out it can be submitted by clicking the 'submit' button or by emailing the completed form to HPDCPA@HoustonPolice.Org.
- In addition to the information submitted above, A copy of your current drivers license must be provided. Send a scanned copy to hpdcpa@houstonpolice.org at the same time the above forms are submitted.
For more information, please email hpdcpa@houstonpolice.org.