Department of Neighborhoods
"A Month of Service" Online Workshops
The Department of Neighborhoods and community partners are offering “A Month of Service” free online workshops covering legal topics during the pandemic. Workshop schedules are posted at the beginning of each month. The classes are free but you must register in advance at www.nrcdc.org/site/getregistered or by calling 346.339.1088.
Workshops are intended for informational purposes only and are not forums for legal advice.
Workshop Topics:
Eviction and Tenant Rights - Workers’ Rights - Child Custody and Divorce - Consumer Concerns & Bankruptcy - Immigration Concerns - Wills & Estate Planning - Holographic Wills During COVID-19 - Inherited Property - Foreclosure Prevention - Property Tax Protest Hearings - First-time Homebuyer Education Classes - Coffee and Conversations on Neighborhood Concerns
In addition, a monthly Amateur Hour features poetry, music, dance, and other arts, offering attendees a light moment of entertainment and distraction from the issues of the day.
Recorded Sessions Available Online
All sessions are recorded and links are posted online at https://www.facebook.com/AMOSHoustonTX.
A Month of Service partners include: Neighborhood Recovery Community Development Corporation, Harris County Appraisal District, Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office, Houston Volunteer Lawyers, TSU Earl Carl Institute, Lone Star Legal Aid, and the Houston Bar Association.